Australian Stock Horse Society (South-West Branch)
The ASHS South West Branch meet monthly for fun training days and friendship. Most months we provide activities to improve and practice horsemanship. The Australian Stock Horse is recognised for its versatility, so activities are broad and include: learning & practicing pleasure, working stock horse, & hack patterns, time trails, barrel racing, campdrafting, utility horse, show presentation, dressage, ground work, polo cross, and whatever members are interested in learning. Our club is family orientated and open to persons of any age and riding ability. You don’t need a stock horse to be a member. Free training days are generally run by club members, with occasional clinics by professional horsemen and horsewomen.
Monthly Training Days – usually every third Saturday of the month at Dardanup Equestrian Centre (DEC). Please check DEC calendar.
President: Julie McDonald
Secretary: Shelby Grey Secretary