Picture credit to Rustic Pics-Anne Lasini
President Michael Dellagostino 0419 008 856
Secretary Ruve Tyler dardanupcampdraft@hotmail.com
The sport of campdrafting has its origins in the early days of the Australian stockman and is believed to have begun in rural Queensland in the early part of the twentieth century.
Points are scored by horse and rider for cut out, horse work and course completion, from a possible total of 100 points. A good campdrafter is not just a fine horseman but has the skill to select a suitable beast from the mob that will run well.
Dardanup Campdraft Club is a group of keen camp drafters that meet once a month to practice their horsemanship and cattle skills. We hire cattle for some practice days and host training clinics on a regular basis.
In April of each year, we host our own Campdraft that sees competitors travel from as far away as Esperance and Gingin.